Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Please Don't Drive Distracted

 After Rick's accident in the many sleepless nights of exhaustion, confusion, heartache, overwhelm and relentless worry I hoped to have a place to capture those thoughts and feelings and explain why my family is convinced he really is superman. Unfortunately I am not tech savvy and attempting to use a different computer was not working for me. I may attempt to decipher my random pages of sleep deprived chicken scratch some other time in the future. These thoughts, feelings, and worries however have not allowed me rest even with the various different sleeping pills, happy pills or prescriptions I've tried. I am hoping that maybe if I put my questions out there perhaps the driver or some driver will be impacted enough to not allow this to happen due to inattentive driving.

Do you know, do you even care how you have destroyed our lives?


You nearly killed my husband. If not for the thousands of prayers that were heard and answered he would not be with us and you would have been responsible for vehicular manslaughter. The injuries he sustained usually equal death according to our friend who is a doctor on staff at the hospital Rick was taken to. I did not realize the hospital doesn't always have a staff member and chaplain awaiting families as they arrive, but after spending over two weeks in the ICU waiting area saw that is what they do when injuries are so severe life is uncertain.

Your driving on 10/27/15 has taken a man who ran his own business 60-70 hours a week and volunteered 20-25 hours a week to being lucky if he is able to handle being out of the hospital bed for a half hour. A man who loved talking and being with people to barely being able to tolerate the volume of a regular speaking voice for more than a few minutes. A man who's purpose and identity as head of his family, provider and being a spiritual leader defined his life. Who asks why am I here, how do I provide, will I be able think like I used to, afraid for our future because his brain isn't working the way it always did.

You have reduced my family's income extensively and created tremendously greater expenses. You have made the future of our stable growing 10 year old business tentative as Rick was the brains, brawn and glue that built and held it together. Are lives have been spun as out of control as the cars you hit. As if our children's lives were not disrupted enough by all this, they also have to give up their dog as he would be too big a fall risk when Rick eventually comes home.

In the midst of all our prayers for Rick's recovery, and help to get through the challenges of trying to keep our business and lives together we have prayed for you and your family. I could not imagine handling the guilt I would feel knowing I had damaged another so severely.We do not wish you ill. We just hope and pray to have our lives be ok again which may be years for Ricks health and who knows for our finances. My great hope is that if you had a medical reason you were unaware of the road that you do not drive until it is resolved, or if you were inattentive that you will spend the rest of your life teaching and telling others the dangers of driving distracted. Hopefully, if you do that you can save some other family this heartache.


  1. This is heartbreaking, prayers for Rick and your family. Tell Rick I am thinking of him and will pray daily for him and his family. Jana Hayes

  2. This is heartbreaking, prayers for Rick and your family. Tell Rick I am thinking of him and will pray daily for him and his family. Jana Hayes
